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The presentations and workshops take place in the "Medientheater" and "Signallabor" rooms. See the floor plan for directions. The presentations are streamed and the recordings will be released on media.ccc.de afterwards.

Saturday, October 8th
TimePresentations in the SignallaborPresentations in the Medientheater
10:15 - 10:30Opening Event
Martin Sauter and Fritz Hohl
Symposium "Hard Bit Rock – Computers and Music"
10:30 - 11:30Learning to Program Without a Computer: The "Little Man Computer" From 1965 and Other Paper Computers
Caspar Clemens Mierau
11:30 - 12:15PEARL – A German Real-time Programming Language
Fritz Hohl
12:15 - 13:00German Computers and Computer Technology, 1968 to 1986 – The TELEFUNKEN TR 8 and AEG 80 Designs
Bernd Johann
13:00 - 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:45Inside Z8671 or How Does a BASIC Interpreter System Fit Into 2048 Bytes?
Volker Pohlers
Symposium "Hard Bit Rock – Computers and Music"
14:45 - 15:30Lisa
Jörg Gudehus
15:30 - 17:00The Restauration of the Z1 in the German Museum of Technology Berlin
Klemens Krause
17:00 - 18:00General assembly of the VCFB e.V.
Vintage Computing Festival Berlin e.V.
18:00 - 19:00The Danish Society for Computer History
Mikkel Mikjær Christensen (Mike)
Evening Break
19:00 - 20:00Der C64 als Musikmöbel
Malte Schulze

Sunday, October 9th
TimePresentations in the SignallaborWorkshops in the Medientheater
10:15 - 11:00The Telefunken TR 8 – Resonators and Damping Factors and Its Applications in Nowadays Recordings
Andrea Taeggi
Soldering for Beginners: Build an Atari Punk Console
Thomas Fecker
11:00 - 12:00Tiny ACE – On the Trail of Turing's Automatic Computing Engine
Jürgen Müller
12:00 - 13:00CTM and Otto Müller – A Contemporary Witness Reports
Christfried Welke
13:00 - 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00Who am I? CPUID on the PDP-8
Pontus Pihlgren (Update Computer Club)
Composing on the C64 With the Soundmonitor
Miron Schmidt
15:00 - 16:30OCTOI – The Community ISDN/TDM Network
Harald Welte
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30Closing Event
Stefan Höltgen and Anke Stüber

Learning to Program Without a Computer: The "Little Man Computer" From 1965 and Other Paper Computers

Language: German
Caspar Clemens Mierau

PEARL – A German Real-time Programming Language

Language: German
Fritz Hohl

German Computers and Computer Technology, 1968 to 1986 – The TELEFUNKEN TR 8 and AEG 80 Designs

Language: German
Bernd Johann

Inside Z8671 or How Does a BASIC Interpreter System Fit Into 2048 Bytes?

Language: German
Volker Pohlers


Language: German
Jörg Gudehus

The Restauration of the Z1 in the German Museum of Technology Berlin

Language: German
Klemens Krause

The Danish Society for Computer History

The Danish Society for Computer History was founded in 2002, but already 10 years earlier the volunteers had started to gather historic artefacts from, among others, the Danish computer company Regnecentralen. Ever since then it has been the vision to create a Danish computer museum. A vision which became reality last year! In this talk I will tell our story, current state of our exhibition and plans for the future!

Language: English
Mikkel Mikjær Christensen (Mike)

The Telefunken TR 8 – Resonators and Damping Factors and Its Applications in Nowadays Recordings

It was in the context of a residency at Willem Twee Studios in 2016 (NL) that I was introduced to the fascinating world of analog computation by Hans Kulk, who taught me how to produce sounds from their Hitachi 240 analog computer. I had the chance of working on such an instrument at several occasions throughout the years, getting deeper into its applications for my music. This presentation is meant to show the percussive character of the "resonators" – the sound producing elements – which, as counter-intuitive as it may seem, resemble very much the natural decay of acoustic percussion. Another peculiarity is the tuning accuracy of the machine: The pitches used during the performance are derived from a Just Intonation scale, a system whereby frequency precision is paramount. In the last part of the presentation I will play back some of the music I released on record in recent years, using the analog computer as a foundational sound element.

Language: English
Andrea Taeggi

Tiny ACE – On the Trail of Turing's Automatic Computing Engine

Language: German
Jürgen Müller

CTM and Otto Müller – A Contemporary Witness Reports

Language: German
Christfried Welke

Who am I? CPUID on the PDP-8

Portable software must adapt to peculiarities of the target platforms. Even variations within a "compatible" family of computers may require specific code. But how does a program identify which machine is executing it? In this presentation we will dissect, line by line, a subroutine written by the late Charles Lasner (CJL) as part of the Kermit implementation for the PDP-8 family of computers. The subroutine, "MACHINE", is capable of identifying all DEC PDP-8 models. Some familiarity with programming will benefit the listener, but the presentation includes the basics of PDP-8 assembly and the level should be approachable to most.

Language: English
Pontus Pihlgren (Update Computer Club)

OCTOI – The Community ISDN/TDM Network

Language: German
Harald Welte

Closing Event

Language: German
Stefan Höltgen and Anke Stüber


Soldering for Beginners: Build an Atari Punk Console

Kids and teens aged 7 years or older can learn to solder at VCFB. We will build Atari Punk Consoles, easy to build synthesisers that use two 555 chips to give a range of different sounds. Open activity with drop-in, duration 60 minutes, suggested donation 5 euros. Thomas Fecker

Composing on the C64 With the Soundmonitor

Language: German
Miron Schmidt

More information about the presentations and workshops is available in German.

Page last modified on 2024-07-06